Lego Star Track

Monday, December 9, 2013

Lego Lover Review

Lego Star Wars Millennium Falcon 7965

Lego Star Wars Millennium Falcon 7965

Hey, this is Hill and I wanted to talk to you about the Lego Star Wars Millennium Falcon 7965 toy set. I myself am a Lego lover so I have a lot of valuable and honest information to share about this special set. I have played with many different Lego sets, but the Lego Star Wars Millennium Falcon 7965 seems special for many reasons. One of the main and huge reasons why this toys set is so great is because it is massive. It is composed of many pieces and the pieces come together to form the magnificent finished product of the Millennium Falcon. Speaking of pieces another great thing is that the set comes with some special Star Wars characters, namely, Han, Chewie, Luke, Ben Kenobi, Leia and Darth Vader- all with their respective weapons, that will definitely sweeten the experience of playing with a completed Millennium Falcon. Also the directions to put the set together is very straight-forward and easy, increasing the enjoyment experience while putting together the Millennium Falcon. Easiness however is subjective to your respective Lego skills.

However it is important to know that there are some negative reviews about the Lego Star Wars Millennium Falcon. One troublesome aspect of this toy set is that even though the finished product is sturdy for the most part, some flaws in the design is such that it can fall apart based on the nature in which it is handled. Other than this, the playability of the Falcon seems to be very good. Another letdown of the set is the fact that there are no Lego figures of R2D2 and C3PO which many people seem to complain about because this takes away from the Star Wars experience as being authentic as possible.

The fact that finishing this set will result in a massive awe-inspiring model of the Millennium Falcon is enough to show why this set is so great. In conclusion, despite the minor negativities, this is a very promising Lego set and I think it will bring joy to anyone who engages in building the Lego Star Wars Millennium Falcon 7965, even if you might not be the best Lego builder. Thank you for reading my review and I hope you found it helpful.

Click to Get the LEGO Star Wars Millennium Falcon 7965


  1. I have this games. Its bit technical but it's all about fun and mind placing. Am at age of 23 but still I do play with Lego Games

  2. I love this Lego Game. I bought this from a good toy store in Singapore. And really it's amazing.

  3. Also the directions to put the set together is very straight-forward and easy, increasing the enjoyment experience while putting together the Millennium Falcon. Easiness however is subjective to your respective Lego skills.

    lego star wars
